Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya

24 Şubat 2022

Whoever truly trusts Allah…

"Whoever truly trusts Allah in attaining something, he attains it."
24 Şubat 2022

The one who is truthful does not care about…

"The one who is truthful does not care about his status in the eyes of the creation."
24 Şubat 2022

Whoever knows himself will be preoccupied…

"Whoever knows himself will be preoccupied rectifying his own affairs rather than looking for mistakes in others."
24 Şubat 2022

It is enough of an honor for you…

"It is enough of an honor for you that you are His worshipper, and it is sufficient glory for you that He is your Lord."
24 Şubat 2022

Happiness is attained by three things…

"Happiness is attained by three things: being patient when tested, being thankful when receiving a blessing, and being repentant upon sinning."
24 Şubat 2022

There is nothing more beneficial to one’s heart…

“There is nothing more beneficial to one's heart than treating people with kindness.”