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24 Şubat 2022

Stop asking why something “bad” happened…

"Stop asking why something 'bad' happened. What you see as 'bad' will mould you into the person that you are. The Almighty makes no mistakes."
24 Şubat 2022

Whenever you feel the journey’s too hard…

"Whenever you feel the journey's too hard, remember the Almighty makes things happen for a reason. Every trial has a purpose. That should comfort us!"
24 Şubat 2022

Forgiving others benefits us more than them…

"Forgiving others benefits us more than them. The liberation of the heart, mind and soul from the burden of holding it is priceless."
24 Şubat 2022

Almighty, we pray You keep us strong even…

"Almighty, we pray You keep us strong even when we feel weak. Keep us brave even when we're scared. Keep us humble even when we have much."
24 Şubat 2022

At times we are tested not just to show…

"At times we are tested not just to show our weakness. The Almighty knows and wants us to discover our strengths. Trust Him and show patience."
24 Şubat 2022

Life is full of ups and downs…

"Life is full of ups and downs. Remember, not a single soul has his life all figured out. Anything can happen anytime. Our job is to be prepared. Embrace the good and bad times. Pray for guidance always."
24 Şubat 2022

It’s human nature to want more. Insatiable…

"It’s human nature to want more. Insatiable. That’s what we are. For a change today, how about thanking the Almighty for what we already have and what He has blessed us with before asking for what we want?"
24 Şubat 2022

The only competition we have is…

"The only competition we have is with ourselves. So if you need to compare, compare yourself to yesterday. Not to others. It all starts with you."
24 Şubat 2022

Life is not guaranteed at all…

"Life is not guaranteed at all but death is absolutely guaranteed upon all, yet we still prepare for life more than death."