nureddin yildiz

24 Şubat 2022

When you have committed a sin…

"When you have committed a sin, that is your first mistake. And when you do not see the door of forgiveness that Allah opened up even for Pharaoh, that is your second mistake."
24 Şubat 2022

Those who can analyze Madina Era…

"Those who can analyze Madina Era understand Islam and can solve the problems. In order to know Madina, firstly one should understand ikhlas (sincerity) and then nifaq (hypocrisy)."
24 Şubat 2022

Even if you have fallen a thousand times…

“Even if you have fallen a thousand times, you have to stand up again. This is called life, this is called jihad (struggle).”
24 Şubat 2022

Our Lord is merciful but…

“Our Lord is merciful but he has no tolerance when he tests us. The most outstanding servants of him (i.e. the prophets) suffered the greatest troubles. Just as fire disciplines iron, troubles also discipline the servant and bring him/her closer to Allah.”